A new year has begun and because it is an election year it has started out with a roar. A roar that should frighten us all.
Despite the fact that the year is only a few days old, we are already facing two pieces of legislation that could significantly increase the punishment inflicted upon registered citizens.
First, we are facing Assembly Bill (AB) 201 in Sacramento. If passed, this bill would allow cities and counties to recreate the chaos that previously existed due to inconsistent laws that would prohibit registered citizens from visiting a wide variety of public places including parks, hiking trails, swimming pools, libraries and museums as well as private places including fast food restaurants, movie theaters, bowling alleys, internet cafes and video arcades. The inconsistency of those laws, from city to city, had a significant chilling effect upon many registered citizens who feared to venture outside their home town because of the threat of arrest, incarceration and/or fines.
The Public Safety Committee will consider AB 201during a hearing on January 12. It is during that hearing that the Committee will determine the fate of AB 201 as well as the fate of more than 100,000 registered citizens.
If the Committee passes AB 201, the bill will move on to the full Assembly where it WILL be passed by state legislators who are afraid to vote against a sex offender bill.
Are you listening? It is an election year and AB 201 will be passed by the full Assembly IF it is approved by the Public Safety Committee. Therefore, we must STOP the bill during the Public Safety Committee hearing on January 12.
YOU can and must play an important part in stopping AB 201 by sending letters and E-mails as well as calling the offices of the seven committee members. You can also join California RSOL in Sacramento on January 12 and tell the Public Safety Committee this bill must be STOPPED!
Second, we are facing HR 515 in Washington, D.C. If passed, this bill would allow federal agencies to send notices to a foreign country that an individual who was convicted of a sex offense involving a minor is about to enter that country. Similar notices in the past have resulted in an individual being immediately deported without regard to the nature of the offense, when the offense occurred, or if the offense had been repeated. Plainly stated, the notices were issued without considering whether the individual posed a current danger. This situation will worsen if HR 515 is passed because the notices will be sent even if an individual has been declared by a state judge to be rehabilitated and is no longer required to register.
In addition, HR 515 would allow the U.S. State Department to add “unique identifiers” to the passport of some registered citizens even if doing so requires revocation of an existing passport. There is no evidence that this nation has ever used a “unique identifier” on the passport of one of its citizens. And there is no justification to do so at this time!
Does the United States want to repeat the mistake of Nazi Germany that added a “unique identifier” to the passports of its Jewish citizens? No, we do not!
The window of opportunity to stop HR 515 is small because the bill has already been approved by the Senate and is expected to be considered by the House of Representatives later this month. YOU can and you must help to stop this bill by sending letters and E-mails to as well as calling your Congressional representative.
Once again, it is time to SHOW UP – STAND UP – SPEAK UP!
Voice your opinion re. HR 515 on POPVOX. It’s an easy way to express an opinion that goes directly to the correct Congressional representative. Click here.
International Megans Law – HR 515
Read all of Janice’s Journal
Well, I did my phone calls today, and everybody was really nice and pleasant. I wished people would see the faces behind the label, and they might just change their minds. Most people are like parrots and just repeat what they are being told, without taking the time to really understand and realize that this hype is based on lies, myths and more lies. It is easier to follow the masses than to take some time and do your own research. I call it laziness. But, for politicians and media to straight out lie to everyone, they should be held accountable for the damage they cause. Where is the discrimination lawsuit? People, please wake up and do your own research and stop being a puppet to the lies you are being fed. You all deserve to be treated with respect, and that means, you deserve the truth and not the lies that you blindly believe. Why are we, the family members, friends, and mostly the children being punished as well? Do these politicians really believe that this so called non punitive registry is not harmful to us and the children? Registrants are human beings who made a mistake, or someone decided for them that they made a mistake. They deserve to be left alone once and for all once they completed their sentence. Not every Sex Offender harmed a child, they may have peed behind your car, or they may have had a girlfriend that was one year younger than the legal limit, which by the way is determined differently everywhere you look, or they were intoxicated and decided to show their affection toward each other in a park. Where is this really relevant? Other countries are more open and are in awe about the laws in the US but they don’t realize that this country thrives on money, in whatever way they can make it, they will do it. Pass stupid laws, they are in. Overcharge anyone, they are in. Overcrowd our prisons, they are in. You name it, and they will do it. It is time to stop this insanity. We are no longer in the Nazi Germany era, but we are very close to go back there. Please think for a moment, and notice the similarities. That’s all. I will await the verdict of AB201 and HR515 and can only hope for some sort of intelligence and common sense when this will be determined.
Hope you gave ’em heck today Janice! Waiting with great anticipation to hear how the hearing is going!